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Customers and Accounts Receivable
How Do I?

Invoice customers

  1. Creating a progress invoice from an estimate
  2. Charging costs back to customers (reimbursable expenses)
  3. Adding your logo to sales and purchase forms
  4. Sending a business form by e-mail
  5. Creating an invoice

Receive payments

  1. Recording an invoice payment
  2. Applying one payment to multiple jobs
  3. Using customer credits as payment
  4. Handling barter payments
  5. Finding out if an invoice has been paid
  6. Depositing payments
  7. Applying a discount for early payment

Suppliers and Accounts Payableimages
How Do I?

Pay a bill

  1. Tracking bills vs. writing a cheque
  2. Paying a bill with cash, debit card, or EFT

Apply credits

  1. Automatically applying credits
  2. Applying a single credit to multiple bills

Handle stock

  1. Receiving items and getting a bill later
  2. Adjusting your stock
  3. Receiving items and entering a bill against a purchase order
  4. Turning on stock